Fritz Westover is a leading expert in viticulture education. His passion is making viticulture information accessible, informative, and engaging for all winegrape growers. His goal is to help every grower to Be a Better Grape Grower!

Fritz is the founder of Westover Vineyard Advising and the revolutionary Virtual Viticulture Academy and hosts the popular Vineyard Underground podcast. He consults for vineyards in 5 states encompassing 1000+ acres of all varieties of wine grapes, and he provides live virtual advising and online education to growers across 35 states and 11 countries. He is also a leading wine industry speaker and contributor.

He holds a BS in horticulture from Penn State University as well as an MS from the Penn State Department of Plant Pathology. He has been working hands-on in the viticulture industry for 25 years across the U.S. and internationally.
When he is not thinking of new innovative ways to help grape growers, Fritz can be found mountain biking, trail running, making noise on a cheap guitar, or traveling with his family.